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Адам | Аманда Янг | Арт Бланн | Эддисон | Дэниел Мэттьюс | Эрик Мэттьюс | Лоуренс Гордон
Хоффман | Джефф Денлон | Джонатан Крамер | Джилл | Линн Денлон | Ригг | Трой | Перез


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Детектив Хоффман (Costas Mandylor) Детектив Хоффман (Costas Mandylor) «Ты там, детектив?» - я не забуду эти строки никогда. Именно они обращаются к одному из злодеев четвертой части. Впервые мы увидели его в третьей части, тогда он также вел свою часть расследования. Именно он выполнял всю тяжелую и тупую механическую работу во всех ловушках, кроме первой части. Однако, стоит отметить, что, раз уж Хоффман и достиг ранга детектива, значит, мозгами он не обделен. Именно он загнал, почти заставил залезть в ловушку Ригга, однако самую важную подсказку полицейскому дал именно детектив – «Нельзя входить в дверь, если она не проверена». Также Хоффман спас Ригга когда того чуть не отправил по судам Арт Бланн за драку с его клиентом – все для того, чтобы Ригг прошел это испытание. Заметьте, Арт сказал следующие слова: «Да, вас хорошенько прошерстят» в ответ на слова Хоффмана «Спецотдел уже проводит расследование». Что этим нам хотели сказать? Арт уже знал все? На 19 минуте произошел удивительный диалог между Перез и Хоффманом, когда тот держал плюшевую игрушку в руках: - Мальчик, девочка? - Девочка - Не знала, что ты женат… - Я не женат, это совсем другая история… Я думаю, это была главная улика на то, чтобы уже в начале фильма узнать, кто новый злодей на этот раз. Силен, умен, хитер и честен – это все про Хоффмана. «Ты думаешь, я не подвергну тебя испытанию?» - сказал Крамер. Но какому? Мы узнаем это из пятой части…

Джефф Денлон (Angus Macfadyen) is the protagonist of Saw 3. Jeff lost his son in to a fatal car crash. After this life changing event his marriage started to fall apart and his wife, Lynn, started having an affair. The rest of his life he filled his soul with revenge against the man who killed his son. The tests he was put through by Jigsaw was to show him the meaning of forgiveness, but the end result showed no signs of a lesson learned. Jeff was left locked in a room with a dead Jigsaw and his daughter locked up in another room with only ten minutes of oxygen left to live. We don't know what will happen to Jeff and his daughter, but Saw IV promises to answer these questions.

Джонатан Крамер (Tobin Bell) Главный персонаж фильма. Человек, чей ум и желание изменить других приводит к чудовищным последствиям и меняет жизни других людей.

Джилл (Betsy Russell) is the ex-wife to John Kramer (Jigsaw). Nothing is known about her at the time other than she mostly likely broke up with John due to his vervent addiction to the human body. We will find out more in Saw IV.


Линн Денлон (Bahar Soomekh) was the wife of Jeff Denlon. After the death of her son, Lynn started to have an affair with Jeff. Jigsaw abducted both Lynn and Jeff to play his deadly game. Lynn's goal in the game was to keep a dying John Kramer alive until Jeff found his way through the deadly maze of traps set before him. If Lynn did not keep John alive, she would immediately be killed by a shotgun collar set to go off when John's heart rate flat lined. Lynn did not fail the test; However, Jeff did. Lynn was shot by Amanda and then was eventually killed by the shotgun collar. Jeff killed Jigsaw, which activated the shotgun collar that killed Lynn. Lynn is set to appear in Saw 4, but it is not known how at this time.

Офицер Ригг (Lyriq Bent) is part of the SWAT team that has been seen in all the Saw movies except Saw 1. In Saw 2 he was the partner of Kerry and Eric Matthews in the investigation to find the Erics son and the missing people inside the house. In Saw 3, he and Kerry investigated into Jigsaws latest traps including the chains trap with Troy. In Saw IV, he has been abducted by Jigsaw to play in his latest game. Rigg has never been a big role in the Saw franchise, but Saw IV plans makes him and a few other the main protagonists of the story. Rigg has a tough exterior and sticks to the plan no matter what. It will be interesting to see what he does in this situation.

Трой (J. LaRose) first appeared in Saw III as a victim in one of Amanda's first traps. According to the tape played in his test, Troy had been sent to prison multiple times, although the charges were never mentioned. His multiple prison terms are what made him a target for Jigsaw. Waking up in an abandoned classroom, he found himself bound by eleven chains pierced through his flesh and bone in numerous places, including his hands, arms, shoulders, obliques, Achilles tendons, and jaw. He was forced to attempt to tear them all out and escape before a bomb went off in the room, but was unable to get the chain out of his jaw in time, instead getting blown to pieces. Detective Kerry, Forensic Hoffman, and Lieutenant Rigg later investigated the gruesome scene, realizing that Jigsaw was not responsible for the trap, as it had no escape; the door to the room had been welded shut. 

Troy was seen again later in a flashback in Saw IV, in the waiting room of Jill's drug clinic.

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