Сайт фильма "Пила" | |||||
Персонажи |
Аманда Янг |
Арт Бланн |
Эддисон |
Дэниел Мэттьюс |
Эрик Мэттьюс |
Лоуренс Гордон |
Адам (Leigh Whannell) Этот парень делал детективу Таппу за 200 баксов/ночь фотографии Лоуренса Гордона и докладывал о всем, что творится с гуляющим доктором. Однажды Адам проснулся в старом сортире с закованной к трубе ногой. Единственным способом спастись было отрезать себе ногу, и на это ему давалось около шести часов… Адам – довольно неспособный к выживанию парень, даже какая-та девчонка по имени Аманда Янг смогла затащить его в ловушку… Кстати, она затем решила спасти его, но тут же была поймана за руку. Во второй части мы выдим, каким стал труп фотографа, и понимаем, что ему действительно выжить не удалось. RIP. |
Эдиссон (Emmanuelle Vaugier) Проститутка, которая попала в Ядовитый Дом и уже не смогла выбраться оттуда. С Джоном Крамером познакомилась ночью рядом с клиникой для наркоманов в четвертой части. Во время второго фильма показала себя девушкой с характером, привыкшей защищать собственные интересы, однако не слишком ловкой, что и привело её к смерти в одной из ловушек. Кстати, о её ловушке – на передней стенки прозрачного куба уже был ключ, вставленный в замок. Похоже, еще одним её пороком была нетерпимость! |
Аманда Янг (Shawnee Smith) Наркоманка, ставшая ученицей Джона Крамера после прохождения его испытания. Все ее ловушки не давали шанса жертвам, а самой ей нравилось просто убивать. Эта мания и привела к тому, что Джефф застрелил ее в конце третьего фильма. Как любая наркоманка, Аманда жестока, вспыльчива и выходит из себя по самому малейшему поводу. Крайне ревнивая. |
Арт Бланн (Justin Louis) Появившийся в четвертой части, Арт предстает нам умным и сообразительным человеком. Как узнается позднее, он является близким другом Джона Крамера, с которым у него был проект по строительству домов для семей с низкими доходами. Адвокат Бланн занимался судебными делами, защищая интересы необычного типа людей (проститутки и насильники). В конце концов, Джон сильно обозлился на Арта по непонятным причинам. Возможно, виною всему было то, что Арт защищал тех, кто изначально виновен; возможно, случилось что-то еще. В любом случае, он попадает в жестокую игру из нескольких этапов. И погибает в последней части по ужасным стеченьям обстоятельств.. |
Дэниел Мэттьюс (Erik Knudsen) Он сын полицейского детектива Эрика Мэттьюса, и находится с ним, прямо скажем, в не лучших отношениях. Из-за отца, а в какой-то мере, и из-за собственного характера и поступков, Дэниел попал в игру Крамера. Если ему все сходит с рук из-за заботливого папочки Эрика, то не остается иного выхода, как отплатить за свои грехи в Ядовитом Доме. Там же он показал себя человеком, умеющим думать и выживать, способным быть агрессивным и жестоким, когда это необходимо. Стоит отметить, что он понимает, с кем нужно иметь дело и трезво оценивает ситуацию – прямая противоположность своему отцу! Наше мнение, что Дэниел – все же жертва, фишка в игре Крамера. Его не ставили ни в счет, и он был просто элементом влияния на Эрика Мэттьюса. |
Эрик Мэттьюс (Donnie Wahlberg) Полицейский, поднявшийся по карьере за счет того, что подставлял или подделывал дела. Был допущен вести отряд SWAT для штурма логова Крамера вместе с детективом Керри. Из-за своего вспыльчивого характера не смог выдержать простейшего испытания Джона, что привело его к попаданию в ловушку Аманды Янг. В дальнейшем играл уже пассивную роль ставки в игре Ригга. Роль, как оказалось, стала для него последней. |
Лоуренс Гордон (Cary Elwes) first chronological appearance was in Saw: Rebirth, which portrayed him as the cold, uncaring doctor who diagnosed John Kramer with cancer. A hospital orderly named Zep Hindle hinted to John that Lawrence had been cheating on his wife, and his appearance in Saw confirmed the fact that he was having an affair with his medical student, a woman named Carla. This, together with his uncaring attitude at work and his crumbling relationship with his wife and daughter, was the reason he was targeted by John Kramer, now known by the media as the Jigsaw Killer. While investigating a crime scene involving Jigsaw, Lawrence's penlight was found, tying him to the gruesome murders and making him a suspect. He was brought in for investigation by detectives David Tapp and Steven Sing. Accused of being the Jigsaw Killer, Lawrence managed to prove he wasn't after giving his alibi; at the time of the death, Lawrence had been with Carla. Lawrence was released from custody after watching the detectives interrogate Amanda Young, a survivor of one of Jigsaw's games. However, Lawrence was again suspected of being Jigsaw by Tapp, who had been discharged from the force following Detective Sing's death. Believing he had let the killer go, he watched Lawrence carefully, hiring Adam Faulkner to follow and take pictures of him. After leaving his home, supposedly to go to work, Lawrence arrived at a motel where he had been called to meet Carla. Annoyed with her for paging him at home, he decided their affair was getting too risky, and broke it off. However, before he left the room, someone called, revealing that someone knew about the secret affair. At the time, Lawrence had no idea that he was being followed and photographed. While leaving the parkade, Lawrence found himself locked in, and unable to call to get out. Before he could get back in his car, he was attacked and rendered unconscious by Jigsaw. When he awoke, he and Adam were shackled to pipes on opposite sides of a grimy industrial bathroom. Between them, just out of their reach, was what appeared to be a dead man who'd shot himself in the head, lying in a pool of poisoned blood. A gun was clutched in one of the dead man's hands, with a cassette player in the other. Working together, Lawrence and Adam learned what they had to do to escape, from a pair of cassette tapes which left them clues about objects around the room. Lawrence learned that he had to kill Adam by 6:00am if he wished to escape, also learning that his wife and daughter's lives were at stake as well. Enclosed with the tape was a key and a bullet for the dead man's gun. Both Adam and Lawrence were supplied with hacksaws, which they found were unable to cut through their chains. It was then that Lawrence realized that they were meant to cut through their feet, not their chains. By following the clues, Lawrence also managed to obtain a box (which his key opened) that contained a couple of cigarettes, a one-way cell phone, and a lighter. Also in the box was a note, meant just for him, that told him that he didn't have to shoot Adam, but could instead poison him with one of the cigarettes, if it were dipped in the toxic blood puddle. He then informed Adam that he knew that the Jigsaw Killer was the one behind the "game", and revealed that he was once suspected to be Jigsaw. Lawrence then received a call from his daughter and wife, both being held hostage by Zep Hindle, telling him not to believe Adam. He then discovered that Adam had been taking pictures of him for Detective Tapp. The two men ran out of time, and Lawrence, desperate to save his family, cut through his leg to free himself. He then crawled over to the corpse, took the gun, loaded it and shot Adam in the shoulder. Later, Zep showed up in the bathroom. Lawrence, furious, tried to attack and shoot Zep with the empty gun. Zep was about to kill him when Adam attacked and killed Zep by beating him with the toilet lid. Lawrence then told Adam that he had to go and get help for both of them, or else he would bleed to death. Adam begged Lawrence not to leave, but Lawrence assured Adam that he would bring someone back to save him. He then crawled out of the bathroom. There is no later mention of whether he lived or died. Although Lawrence does not appear any other time in the series, he is mentioned in Saw III, and his severed foot is seen in Saw II and Saw III. He also appeared in a brief flashback, in which he was unconscious and didn't have a speaking role. His name plate is also seen in Saw II and again in Saw IV when explaining the history of John Kramer. A special feature in the form of a farce documentary called "Piecing Together Jigsaw," available on the unrated edition of the first film, stated that his whereabouts are unknown as of one year after the first film's events. When Lawrence is mentioned in Saw III, Jigsaw said that he had been Lawrence's patient, and Lawrence had been his. This refers to the way Jigsaw tests and tries to "help" or "cure" his test subjects. It seems unlikely Lawrence Gordon will reappear in new installments of the franchise; in August 2005, actor Cary Elwes filed a lawsuit against his management firm and the producers of Saw. He alleged that he was promised "a minimum of one percent of the producers' net profits" and did not receive the full amount as promised. |
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